Thursday, April 19, 2012

i would just like to say that i'm glad kevin is dead; i think all males should be dead.

it's gonna be a good day!

the title of this post originates from the daria episode: "murder, she snored." i'd like to take this time to reflect upon ms. barch and how great of a character she is; you don't see characters like her at all in television shows nowadays (wow, i sound really condescending considering i wasn't old enough to understand daria when it actually aired on mtv). daria is my main source of happiness when everything starts going wrong and real life starts becoming too fabricated. oddly enough, i've started writing my thesis paper on third-wave feminism and was pleased that mrs. stevens allowed me to cite daria in one of my body paragraphs. on a related note: thanks to that wonderful bookseller/women's studies major who helped me find books to develop my thesis.

i've been pretty disappointed with the state of the world recently. most likely because that's easiest for me—to view the world extremely negatively. it's unhealthy and i should change my perspective. kamden has done so much for me in these past couple of weeks. he's driven me to lunch, given me revisions on some of my work, worked with me through some of my random bouts of neurosis, taken me to the rope swing at makiki park. mostly, he's just been a great person to me. truly grateful to have the honor of calling him one of my best friends.

emily slept over last night, and i've missed her quite. i guess i've just been so busy in my life that i haven't made an effort to sustain our friendship - something i feel extremely guilty over, because i realize how much fun we can both have together. moreover, she's very much supportive in everything i do, and always provides the greatest, most logical advice. we watched daria, ate kettle chips, drank hot tea; all the things hip grandmothers do in each others' company. i'm lucky to have her in my life, and i know it.

i'm grateful for my itouch. i know, i know, i'm not one for relying on electronics. in fact, i'm quite drawn to the idea of a world without electronics for i yearn to live very nomadically, or like a gypsy of sorts; however, i haven't realized how useful the itouch truly can be. i can unlimitedly text message iphone users through an email address. i can charge starbucks drinks to my gold card via a simple app. and extremely importantly, my 4th generation itouch has a built-in camera on both sides, which also doubles as a compact mirror.

some final bouts of thankfulness:
  • "into the woods" is over. i will no longer need to stay at school till 10:30 pm on school nights. moreover, i won't have to see x's face so frequently, which may/may not be important.
  • the following itouch apps: instagram, puddingcam, starbucks, solitaire, dailyhoroscope. i just really love my's unhealthy, but there's no stopping me now.
  • lauren asked me to participate in a script reading today. i really enjoyed critiquing the script, as well as being paid $60 to simply offer my opinion.
  • for being asked to perform slam poetry in the 8th grade slam assembly, and for the sustainability slam. i feel my message is reaching more people, and i feel very good about it.
  • this.

my current goals are to stay alive, and strive for constant improvement throughout the rest of this school year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very impressed that you're keeping this up. I can't seem to find mine beneath all the dust...

    and since the time you posted this, (and by the fact that you posted this) i can see that you seem to be striving for some very nice improvement. Also, you ARE alive, and so you seem to be right on track with your goals to me.

    you're amazing and i love you!

    and the GIF. oh my god.


    April May
