Thursday, May 24, 2012

grocery shopping is a hobby quite.

yesterday, i was lucky enough to stumble upon this incredible aisle in don quijote. although i never particularly enjoy don quijote, i love when one can uncover these kinds of not-so-hidden places. i purchased nestle green tea latte packets, and i came back today with emily. we were both in desperate need of caffeine and happiness, so this seemed perfect. emily's probably the only person i can go grocery shopping with who won't tire of my grandfather-like interests.

mr. bond, or mr. brown? now you don't have to choose!

pre-packaged iced coffee—this will be essential, later.

london fog packets!

i'd just like to say how grateful i am for emily's presence throughout today. i was feeling pretty awful yesterday, and today felt like one of the best days i've had in awhile. it's quite easy for me to feel submerged in an inescapable pool of others' worries. i usually end up neglecting my own unsettled issues, and yesterday served as a breaking point of sorts. today, i decided to move on from that minor setback by treating myself to a huge bottle of unsweetened black jasmine tea. i feel calm & reassured, and i know things are slowly weaving themselves into harmony. it'll just take more effort on my part to keep this harmony i so desire.

as i finish this, i'd like to point out that this little kitten is currently asleep.

perhaps that's my cue to sign off. i keep using this new format of posting photos when i feel too lazy to reflect. i like this. goodnight.

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