Monday, February 27, 2012

the eiffel tower is a landmark, now it's a landshark.

the existence of this video has made my day quite worthwhile.

to be honest, today was kind of shitty; although there were insane amounts of activities that could've brightened my day, i allowed myself to slump into this state of negativity. here's my attempt to bring myself up again.

in cooking club, we watched 'she's the man'. happiness is self-explanatory.

jazz today was incredibly productive. we choreographed the first sequence in our dance for pau hana, and it looks extremely creative. i'm pleased with the parts i was given to dance, and i can only hope the choreography will continue unraveling as smoothly as it did today.

my mom bought me cpk for dinner because i was having a craving for pasta (after seeing amy's tumblr photo of linguini, i just really needed some!) my mom just has this way of knowing when i want to eat takeout. luckily, i was able to get an iced passion tea lemonade from starbucks to enjoy with my dinner.

emma videochatted me about deteriorating friendships. it was extremely enlightening, and i'm so happy we've always remained close. i'm not one for being inebriated or partying of any sort. i guess through making it known to my friends, they assume i'll pass judgment on them; however, i don't dictate decision-making towards any of my friends. i love and support them for who they are, not for what they choose to do with their lives. emma just shared with me some of her similar values, which was pretty comforting to hear at a time where i feel apprehensive about many of my friendships. it made me realize how thankful i am to hold such a strong sense of awareness and willpower.

i don't claim to be greater than anyone else, i'm just proud of who i've grown into is all.

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